

Sunday, October 2, 2011

3rd Fcs Mediterranean Gathering

After the 1st  & 2nd Mediterranean Gathering, organized by FCS Kali Hellas Union and introduced by the world famous master,  Tuhon  Ray Dionaldo, we would like to invite you to this year’s 3rd  Mediterranean Gathering of the Modern Martial Art FCS Kali.
For the 9th year in a row in our country, Tuhon Ray will teach the Art of ‘’Blade & Stick’’, FCS Kali.
This year our Union FCS Kali Hellas, as last year, is mounting along with the 3rd  Mediterranean Gathering, the 2nd   European Kali Tournament (‘’Blade & Stick’’), under Bladesport  terms. The Bladesport Team is the fighting brunch of FCS Kali, which so far appears only in the Central and Latin America. The combats are absolutely secure, with use of protective equipment and under modern rules which advance both the spectacle and the high technical skills.
In the 2nd  Bladesport Tournament in Europe, the participants can be all students and instructors of Filipino Martial Arts, regardless their level or experience. Participants can also be all students and instructors of any Martial Art which include in the curriculum the teaching of blade and stick. The categories are: -Short Blade-Long Blade-Double Blades-Single Stick-Full Contact Single Stick

The schedule is:

1. Friday 02-12-2011, 18:00-21:00
Pre-Gathering  - Seminar with  Tuhon Ray Dionaldo on advanced techniques for instructors and Fcs members

2. Saturday 03-12-2011, 
• 11:00 -14:00 & 16:00-19:00 Open Seminar by FCS KALI FOUNDER Tuhon Ray Dionaldo
• 19:00-21:00 Examinations in upgrading level  for FCS KALI members (Greeks and Foreigners)

3. Sunday 04-12-2011, 
10:00 – 13:00 Open Seminar by FCS KALI FOUNDER Tuhon Ray Dionaldo 
Bladesport Tournament,  Blade & Stick Fighting

Location:  Indoor  training facilities of  IOANIS CHARALAMPOPOULOS
Perikleous & Papanastasiou(former military factory) Nea Chalkidona, Athens ,Greece

Seminar Fees: 
• 70 Euro for 3 seminar Days (Friday-Sunday) of 3rd Mediterranean Gathering  
(60 EURO for single day-Saturday participation- and 40 EURO for single day Sunday  participation )
• 20 EURO For Participating in 2 Bladesport division 
• +10 EURO for a third division, +5 EURO for any additional division 
• ALTERNATIVELY 40 EURO FOR ALL 5 DIVISIONS (The divisions are: Short Blade, Long Blade, Double Blades, Single Stick &  Full Contact Single Stick)
For  participants from aboard, Fcskali Hellas Team can book rooms in a hotel  nearby  the Stadium Facilities. 

For Booking rooms and more info contact Email: or call: 030 6972860790(D. Angelis) Do not Miss this event. We will be honoured to have you with us.

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About FCS

Filipino Combat Systems "FCS Kali"
FCS Kali was founded by Ray Dionaldo, who seeks to preserve the ancient combat arts of the Philippines through the dissemination of concepts, both in its traditional forms of the past as well as variations developed to increase its applicability today.
These martial arts were created through the assimilation of combat systems used by invaders from countries such as China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, and Spain, which have tried to conquer the Philippine archipelago throughout the ages. The combat arts of the Philippines evolved as a direct result of the changing of circumstances and the intrinsic need of self-preservation prompting them to an outstanding progressive genesis.
Filipinos learned often out of necessity, how to prioritize, allocate and use common resources in combative situations which makes these tactics proven in battle, and strategically effective in the management of a variety of weapons within the fight melee.
Through the comprehensive study of Filipino Combat Systems you can find elements from other martial arts in many of the techniques. FCS Kali can enable the practitioner to fill the gaps between the various concepts and techniques because it understands and uses the common denominators that all share. Foundations like this can make it a highly compatible supplement for different styles of martial arts.
The Organization of Filipino Combat Systems emphasizes tribal values which are summarized in seeing all of its members as a family, and always give the respect to each other as any warrior would deserve.

Το Filipino Combat Systems είναι μια δυναμική, απόλυτα πρακτική και ρεαλιστική πολεμική τέχνη που
εξειδικεύεται κυρίως στην μάχιμη χρήση και εφαρμογή του μαχαιριού-ων και του ραβδιού-ων και στην άοπλη αντιμετώπιση τους και η οποία εξελίσσεται συνεχώς.
Επίσης περιέχει πλήρης εκπαίδευση και σε άλλους τομείς και απευθύνεται σε άντρες και γυναίκες αυστηρά άνω των 17 ετών.
Είναι μια τέχνη εύκολη στην εκμάθηση της, απόλυτα φυσική στην εκτέλεση των τεχνικών και εντελώς ακίνδυνη στην εξάσκησή της.
Tο αρχηγείο της βρίσκεται στην TAMΠΑ της Φλώριδας των Ην. Πολιτειών της Αμερικής.

Το FCS είναι αποτέλεσμα της αρμονικής ένωσης πολλών Φιλιππινέζικων, Ιαπωνικών, Κινεζικων και Δυτικών Πολεμικών
και μαχητικών Τεχνών που ο ιδρυτής του είναι υψηλόβαθμος εκπαιδευτής, σε συνδυασμό με την πλούσια αγωνιστική του εμπειρία(
πάνω από 100 νίκες σε αγώνες πλήρους επαφής με ραβδί), ενώ βρίσκεται σε μία διαδικασία συνεχούς μελέτης και εξέλιξης.

Στην Ελλάδα ο μόνος επίσημος φορέας για την εκπαίδευση και διάδοση του FILIPINO COMBAT SYSTEMS
είναι ο Σύλλογος FCS KALI HELLAS, ο οποίος είναι και ο μόνος αναγνωρισμένος από τον ιδρυτή του συστήματος